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Test standard items of synthetic resin tile


These can be verified by the third party resin tile testing agency approved by the state, and obtain detailed test data and authoritative test report. The following resin tile performance test items are mainly specified in the resin tile test standard:

1. Artificial aging test report of synthetic resin tile (10000 hours of artificial aging is equivalent to more than 20 years of actual use)

2. The synthetic resin tile is tested under low temperature drop hammer impact (0 ℃, 1h). The synthetic resin tile report (a kilogram of steel ball falls freely on the tile surface from a height of 1m without cracks, and the product is not damaged after 10 times of low temperature drop ball impact. After 10 freeze-thaw cycles, the product is free from hollowing, blistering, peeling, cracks, etc.) The standard synthetic resin tile has excellent load resistance, According to the inspection of the National Building Materials and Component Quality Supervision Station, there is no damage when the support interval is 750MM and the uniform load is 150KG. The inferior synthetic resin tile workers will break when they step on the tile during construction.

3. Test report of fire-proof building materials of synthetic resin tile (Code for Fire Protection Design of Interior Decoration of Buildings A2.6 Plastic combustion performance judgment above B1)

4. The standard synthetic resin tile can resist the corrosion of various chemicals such as acid, alkali, salt, etc. for a long time. There is no chemical action in the salt, alkali and various acids below 60% for 24 hours. The inferior synthetic resin tile surface layer will have chemical reaction and even fade if its pigment is used.

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