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Follow the resin tile manufacturer to identify the quality of resin tile


Following the resin tile manufacturers to identify the quality of resin tiles, the widespread use of resin tiles has also attracted many manufacturers to enter the resin tile market, and has also formed competition with resin tile manufacturers. So we need to have the ability to identify the quality of resin tiles. What knowledge do we need to know?

Measure the specific gravity. The main raw material of resin tile synthetic resin tile is PVC, with a specific gravity of about 1.8. Weigh 1 square meter of resin tile, and the weight ÷ volume ≈ 1.8 proves that the main material of resin tile is PVC, which can effectively guarantee the service life of the product. Weight ÷ volume>1.8 proves that a large amount of heavy carbon synthetic resin calcium shingle and other fillers are added to the resin shingle, which not only can not guarantee the service life of the product, but also the product is very brittle.

Conduct ash combustion test. If the volume measurement is not convenient, a special muffle furnace can be selected for ash combustion test. The high-quality resin will not leave ash after burning, and the ash is mainly non-combustible heavy calcium, so we can know the content of calcium powder in the resin tile. Generally speaking, the higher the content of calcium powder, the poorer the quality and the lower the cost.

For fire resistance test, synthetic resin tile, the surface layer uses imported resin ASA, because ASA is flammable resin and very expensive. Therefore, if the surface is ignited, the tile will burn, which just means that it uses high-quality resin with high color retention and aging resistance. You can also weigh and knock with your hands. The high-quality resin tile is light in texture, and the knocking between boards is dull; The inferior resin tile has a heavy feeling when weighed by hand, and the knocking sound between plates is clear and crisp.

In addition, the resin tile manufacturer suggested that we can see the endorsement of the resin tile manufacturer. In the absence of special identification ability, we can judge whether the quality of the product is qualified from the development history, scale, comprehensive strength and other factors of an enterprise. Moreover, good resin tile has clear outline and uniform color.

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